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A Rough Patch

Life has gotten in the way of my writing for the last few weeks. My sister, Therese, has been in the hospital for over 2 weeks being tested to see if she qualifies for a liver transplant. Her illness took a turn for the worse and now we’re dealing with this very serious situation.

She’s in Los Angeles at USC/Keck Medical Center, so even visiting her is a challenge. I just want her here with me so she can wait for a liver in the comfort of her home surrounded by love and dogs (kind of the same thing…)

It feels like everything is in a state of uncertainty until we know exactly what Therese’s next steps are.

Also, because of a wonderful cataract surgery, the vision in one of my eyes is now excellent - but the other eye is still poor. This makes the world seem fuzzy unless I close one eye. It’s been exhausting trying to get things done while dealing with this. Good news is - I get the other eye done Friday, so that should even things out.

I admit both things have been hard on me. I’ve been depressed. I’m missing Keven more than ever and my “one moment at a time” philosophy is not working as well as it usually does. I’m eager for answers and positive outcomes.

Here’s some good news, “The Epiphanies Project” book that came out on October 1st has made me a Bestselling Author! It doesn’t feel right saying that - even though it’s true! The book has reached bestseller status in several categories.

I’m trying to get used to calling myself “a bestselling author” no matter how undeserving or awkward it sounds. Promoting the book is important to me, not because of sales numbers, but because the stories within represent people I know and love and I want to share them with you. They each have a powerful message and are written from the heart.

If you would like me to sign a copy for you, email me and I will send you one, the same price as Amazon with free shipping.

Here's one of 113 reviews from Amazon:

Reviewed in the United States on September 24, 2021

The “Epiphanies Project” is a compilation of life lessons very personally told. Any of the 20 authors could be your friend, your sister or brother, a co-worker. Straight and not preachy, each essay ends with an honestly shared moment of awareness and understanding that is a payoff for page turning into the next author’s reflections. Some of these are brutally straight encounters of loss or a dramatic life change, others are softer, but all share a thread of growth and hope that is the heartbeat of this project started from a Los Angeles based writer’s group. Highly recommended.

I’m also gearing up to get way out of my comfort zone to take part in some podcasts and eventually book signings! I’ll keep you informed.

That’s it for now, please keep Therese in your thoughts and/or prayers.

1 Comment

Nov 03, 2021

Barbara, thank you for your honesty. Today I was struck with the phrase from the apostle Paul when he talks about"carrying about in his body the death of Jesus." There is some sense of life where we just have to carry death with us wherever we go. Way to go you best-selling author!

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